Are You Ready To Transform Your Life??
You've Come To The Right Place!
Have you struggled with your weight, energy levels, mood, or nutrition? Do you find yourself feeling intimidated or confused at the gym? Perhaps, you are craving community and/or accountability? Regardless of the reason you clicked on this page, we are glad you are here! The time to transform your life is NOW, by joining our 12-week Challenge!
Commit to dedicating 12-weeks to this challenge, and Coach Vicki Ostendorf and her team will guide you every step of the way, and as long as the plan she creates for you is followed, she GUARANTEES extreme results!
Transformation Challenge Participants Will Receive:
Initial One-On-One Consultation & Goal-Setting Session
InBody Assessment
Bi-Weekly Seminars
Unlimited Group Fitness Classes (that we offer at the TriFitness Coaching Studio live or via Zoom)
Private Facebook Group
Recipes & Nutrition Support
Prizes, Prizes, Prizes - with one lucky winner receiving the GRAND PRIZE valued at over $3400.00.
September 9th - November 30th
​ $700.00 Upfront or $235.00 Monthly